Naked Roaster Sumatra Mandheling Review
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Sumatra Mandheling Coffee Review

Tastes very exotic… Herbal, Spicy and sweet

My introduction to Sumatra Mandheling  was during a trip to Zurich.  Having some time to wander around and being the middle of winter it was the perfect time to try some coffee.

So the key is to find a local coffee shop, not of the big chain variety.  I really cannot remember the name of the place I got this coffee but if I ever get back there on a trip I will update this.

So, by chance or luck, that’s how I was introduced to Sumatra Mandheling.

Ideal Conditions For Growing Coffee

Mandheling is the finest growing region in Sumatra – itself one of the largest of the 13,700+ islands comprising the Republic of Indonesia.

Grown near the port of Pandang in west-central Sumatra, the growing altitude of 2,500 to 5,000 feet is ideal for cultivating one of the world’s finest gourmet coffees.

Only 15% or so of all the coffee grown in Indonesia is Arabica – like the Sumatra Mandheling coffee bean – which meets the standards of gourmet quality coffee. The other 85% is the Robusta species, a commonly used coffee for commercial blending.

Interestingly, coffee trees were originally brought to Indonesia in the early 19th century by Dutch planters who sought to break the world-wide Arabic monopoly on the cultivation of coffee.

Within a few years, Indonesian coffee dominated the world’s coffee market. Yet by the end of the century disease completely destroyed the crop. Coffee trees were successfully replanted and quickly gained a large share of the world market until the plantations were ravaged again during World War II.

Yes, Sumatra Mandheling is one of the world’s most distinctive coffees – full-bodied, resonant, low-toned, elegantly delightful, with a flavourful taste and wonderful aroma.

Mandheling is often times referred to as a coffee for romantics. I can just visualize Sidney Greenstreet sitting on a wicker chair talking to Peter Lorre as a sarong clad young lady pours him a cup of Mandheling. “I’ll have another cup of Mandheling and start looking for the bird later.”

Premium Quality – Sumatra Mandheling Coffee

To savour the rich aroma and full gourmet taste of Sumatra Mandheling, it is suggested that you purchase your coffee from a reputable distributor.

Of course, I also recommend you purchase only the premium gourmet quality Mandheling coffee beans – not the lower grades used for commercial blending.

I encourage you to try the Sumatra Mandheling from Naked Roaster Coffee. They sell a premium quality Mandheling at a very competitive price.

What I need now is another cup of Sumatra Mandheling!


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After all, we sell the freshest coffee in Scotland