deacf coffee scotland

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Decaf Coffee Trio

£21.99 available on subscription


Most of our customers have increased their caffeine intake since Lockdown and since drinking our coffee. Like some of our customers are you looking to cut down your caffeine consumption but still fancy the delicious taste of speciality coffee, decaf coffee is your answer. 

Decaf coffee always seems to be pushed aside when people talk about coffee, I know I did. Until now, I have been looking into the different types of decaf on the market and the various methods of caffeine extraction. We have an ever expanding range of Decaf coffee in stock here at Naked Roaster Coffee.

Some of the questions commonly asked about decaf coffee.

I’ve never wanted to taste decaf as I’ve often been told it tastes bad. Is this true?

A lot of people think that Decaf coffee doesn’t taste nice or doesn’t even taste like coffee. This is not true, the flavour is in the coffee beans but its down to the caffeine extraction type and the way it is roasted.

Some of the coffee that gets sent for Decaffeination has been sitting in a warehouse and past its best, then sent for decaffeination in a final attempt to sell the coffee bean. We only sell the finest of quality coffee beans here at Naked Roaster Coffee.

At Naked Roaster Coffee we select only the finest of Decaf coffee, we actually pay a higher premium to get such a coffee bean and absorb the cost into our own business go ensure you are getting the best product.

How do they remove the caffeine from the cofffee?

There are several methods for decaffeinating coffee, we have another article where we talk about these processes, How decaf coffee is made.

Naked Roaster Coffee is presently using a couple of different decaffeinated processes but as we gain more experience we will be following the best processes for your health. We currently sell Swiss water Decaf and Mountain water Decaf.

Swiss water process and mountain water involves no use chemicals in the process to extract the caffeine. The coffee is then gently dried until it reaches the original moisture content – ready for to be roasted at our Coffee Roasters Glasgow. This is why we sell the best Decaf coffee you can buy.

We are currently expanding our decaf coffee to include the CO2 decaf method and want to increase decaffeination at origin to further support the local farmers growing the coffee.

Coffee Blend trio

How many varieties of decaf does Naked Roaster coffee sell?

Currently Naked Roaster Coffee sells 3 varieties of decaf coffee. This was at the time of writing this article. It will probably have increased by the time you read this article. We are constantly looking to improve our decaf coffee range. Please keep checking back to our website to buy coffee online.

Does the decaf process use a lot of water and in turn is it bad for the environment?

Some of the decaffeination processes do involve using a lot of water to extract the caffeine but it is filtered and used as a by-products such as pharmaceutical products.

Is there any caffeine left in the coffee after the decaffeination process?

Most of customers are drinking our decaf coffee to decrease their caffeine intake but the process does not completely get rid of all the caffeine. There can still be up to 5% caffeine left in the beans but the processes are being refined constantly and are achieving a caffeine level of .01%. We strive to make sure our decaf coffee has as little decaf as possible.

deacf coffee scotland

Our decaf coffee is different because…

  • We source and select the most fresh, best tasting and lowest caffeine levels we can.
  • Our coffee taste is very high on our priority, we care about taste and quality and pour just as much love into our decaf offering as our caffeinated coffees.
  • We roast all our coffee to order and recommend consuming your bag of decaf within 12 weeks for maximum tastiness.
  • We are about to launch our fourth decaf product, offering you more choice.
  • We mainly use the Swiss Water Decaf Method to decaffeinate our coffee and are looking at other methods to reduce the impact on the environment.
  • We decaffeinate coffee at origin (where possible) to further support the coffee farming countries we buy from. Give our delicious decaf a go? You can simply change your preferences in your Account area or purchase Decaf coffee through Shop Online.
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Decaf Coffee Trio

£21.99 available on subscription